Daniel Minkin



Trust in computer-aided testimony in criminological contexts

Research interests and fields of expertise

Metaphilosophy: Definitions of philosophy, philosophical methodology, metaphilosophical skepticism, philosophical and metaphilosophical disagreement

Ontology/metaphysics: Physicalism and naturalism, Ontology of events

Epistemology: Metaepistemology (especially experimental epistemology), Epistemology of disagreement, Applied epistemology (especially epistemology of conspiracy theories and fake news)

Philosophy of Computer Science: Epistemic Opacity, AI in criminological contexts

Philosophy of science: General philosophy of science (especially the demarcation problem), Philosophy of social sciences

Critical theory (Frankfurt School)

Recent Publications

For complete list of publications and further informations: see here.


Minkin, Daniel (in preparation): Theoretische Philosophie. Eine anwendungsorientierte Einführung. [Theoretical Philosophy. An application-oriented introduction], to be published by UTB in 2023.

Minkin, Daniel (2021): Rationalität philosophischer Forschung. Grundlagen einer metaphilosophischen Positionierung [Rationality of Philosophical Research. Foundations of a Metaphilosophical Positioning]. Paderborn: Mentis.


Minkin, Daniel (in preparation): Verschwörungstheorien und Wissenschaftsleugnung. Einige Lehren aus der Wissenschaftstheorie [Conspiracy Theories and Science Denial. Some Teachings from Philosophy of Science], appears 2023 in: Christian, Alexander/Gawel, Ina (eds.): Wissenschaftsleugnung — Fallstudien, philosophische Analysen und Vorschläge zur Wissenschaftskommunikation. Berlin: de Gruyter.

Schmidt, Elvira/Minkin, Daniel (in preparation): Beutelsbacher Konsens und Esoterische Paramedizin: Gesundheitsförderung aus philosophischer und biologiedidaktischer Perspektive [Beutelsbacher Konsens and esoteric paramedicine: Health promotion from a philosophical and biological-didactic perspective], appears 2024 in: Martins, Ansgar/Kranemann, Philipp W. (eds.): Esoterik und politische Bildung. Frankfurt: Wochenschau Verlag.

Minkin, Daniel (in preparation): Rationalität zwischen Lehnstuhl und Labor. Wissen und epistemische Rechtfertigung aus erkenntnistheoretischer und experimenteller Perspektiv. [Rationality between arm chair and laboratory. Knowledge and epistemic justification from an epistemological and experimental perspective], appears 2023 in: Cultura & Psyche.

Minkin, Daniel (2022a): Philosophie der Verschwörungstheorien. Eine kommentierte Übersicht über die philosophische Debatte [Philosophy of Conspiracy Theories. An Annotated Overview of the Philosophical Debate]. In: Zeitschrift für philosophische Forschung 76 (3). pp. 404-436.

Minkin, Daniel (2022b): Über die Schwierigkeit der Philosophie mit den Verschwörungstheorien [On the Difficulty of Philosophy with Conspiracy Theories]. In: Information Philosophie 2022 (2). pp. 44-56.

Minkin, Daniel (under review): Kant als metaphilosophischer Skeptizist? [Kant as a Metaphilosophical Skeptic?]

Minkin, Daniel (under review): Conspiracy Theories, Artificial Intelligence, and Misinformation.

Minkin, Daniel (under review): The Generalist-Repressivist Research Program in the Research on Conspiracy Theories. German Failures and Tasmanian Teachings.

Upcoming Talks

July 2023: ‘Experts: An application-oriented approach’, at the Philosophy of Science Network, Munich, Germany

June, 5, 2023: „Sind wir uns einig? Was die Philosophie in Bedrängnis bringt (oder bringen könnte)“ [‘Are we in agreement? What brings (or could bring) philosophy into difficulties’], at the „Philosophisches Kolloquium”, Wuppertal, Germany

May 25, 2023: ‘Conspiracy Theories, Experts, and Intimidation‘, at the Workshop on Epistemic Intimidation, Wuppertal, Germany