Nico Formanek

Department head

Project Trust in computer intensive methods

This project inquires which forms of trust are specific to computer intensive methods in science. Is it rational to trust these methods?

Project Using Algorithms to trust

This project looks into algorithms that try to make certain parts of trust explicit. What happens if it becomes explicit?


You can find scattered thoughts mostly on the philosophy of computational methods on the workshopping blog I run with Ramón Alvarado.

Scientific interests
  • Philosophy of science/philosophy of technology
    • Intertheoretical relations in physical theories (reduction, derivation, founding, modularity etc.)
    • Computer simulatable physical theories (e.g. LatticeQCD)
    • Computational reliabilism
    • Constructing artifacts as pragmatic justification of scientific theories
    • discrete vs continuous science
  • Limits of statistical inference/learning
    • Inductive assumptions in approxmative methods
    • Machine Learning & the problem of induction
    • Kolmogorov complexity as general framework for ML
    • theoretical vs. practical limits (e.g. no free lunch theorems vs. FLOPs)
  • Science and society
    • Why trust science?
    • Why trust society?
Work In Progress

Inductive assumptions in ML – often ignored, always required (Abstract)

Working for trust – when easy things become hard (Abstract)

The theory and practice of computational error (Abstract – of a talk with the same title given at IACAP 23)

Recent publications

Publications that I especially like:

Recent talks

Slides available upon request.

Simulierte Welten

I am supervising two high-school students in the project Simulierte Welten. We are developing a topical model for the PhilosL mailinglist. This model automatically extract topics (i.e. metaphysics, philosophy of science, ethics) from the archives of the mailing list, allows to observe trends in topical distribution and evolution – and correlate topics with other interesting quantities. A more detailed description of the project can be found here (in German).