Sebastian Bücker



Trust in Information with a focus on City Planning

I hold a Master’s degree in Computer Science and Philosophy of Technology, both from Technical University of Darmstadt.

Research Interests:

Application of Computability: How can the models and limiting-theorems of Computability Theory and Mathematical Logic be employed towards philosophical questions about AI
Philosophy of Trust: Which philosophical models of trust can be modeled algorithmically?
Ethics of AI: Developing criteria that can orientate ethical evaluations of AI

Publications & Talks

S. Bücker (2022): Die Freiheit im Kalkül? Gibt es eine analoge Beweisführung in Kants Freiheitsbeweis und Gödels Unvollständigkeitssätzen?, Master’s Thesis, Technical University Darmstadt

M. Mesgar, S. Bücker, I. Gurevych (2020): “Dialogue Coherence Assessment Without Explicit Dialogue Act Labels”, The 58th Annual Meeting  of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL), online,

M. Wichtlhuber, S. Bücker, R. Kluge, M. Mousavi and D. Hausheer (2016): “Of Strategies and Structures: Motif-Based Fingerprinting Analysis of Online Reputation Networks,” 2016 IEEE 41st Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), Dubai, United Arab Emirates,