CfP: SAS24 – Modeling for Policy

Deadline extended to August 31st!

Models have played a crucial role in the sciences since at least the 19th century. The development of information technology has significantly amplified their importance: computer models (in simulation and machine learning) have augmented mechanical and mathematical models.

Since the 1970s, however, computer models have not only been used to supplement and replace experiments and theories in the sciences but have also been employed in decision-making processes in political contexts. Computer models are influential in various areas such as labor market, school, and education policy, urban and transportation planning, as well as energy policy. The use of simulation models in climate research and climate policy has garnered significant public attention. Recently, the COVID-19 pandemic has introduced a multitude of new simulation models to the public, which aim to predict and evaluate the effectiveness of political measures in combating the pandemic.

We invite applications for participation in this conference, which will explore the multifaceted roles and impacts of modeling in policy-making. This event aims to bring together experts from diverse disciplines to discuss and analyze the methodologies, applications, and implications of using models in policy contexts.

For the SAS24 conference we invite contributions which, among others, engage with the following topics (non-exhaustive list) :

  • Non-epistemic values and models
  • The role of models in science based decision making
  • Relation between modelers and decision makers (communication, expectation, understanding)
  • Non-epistemic Model Functions (Legitimation, Rhetoric, Responsibility Aversion)
  • Power relations: models and the public
  • (Historical) case studies of models in policy contexts

We invite you to contribute to this critical discourse on the intersection of modeling and policy.

Accepted papers can be published (after peer-review) in an upcoming SAS24 Edition with Springer.

The conference will take place from November 25th to November 27th 2024 at HLRS in Stuttgart. The conference fee is 100€.

Please submit an abstract of no more than 500 Words (excluding references) to until August 15th 2024 August 31st. Acceptance notifications will be sent September 1st September 15th.