Day 1 26.7. Ethical and normative aspects of Trust in ML9:00 Welcome and Intro (Michael Resch)9:30 Concepts of Trust (Andreas Kaminski) 11:00 Coffee break11:30...
Philosopher of Science Michal Hladky will present his critique of (computational) reliabilism in our seminar on October 13th 11am. The seminar is online and...
Philosopher of Science Dan Li from CUNY will discuss her recent paper Machines Learn Better with Better Data Ontology: Lessons from Philosophy of Induction...
The philosophy of computational sciences group of HLRS is pleased to announce this year’s Summer School Trust and Machine Learning. The trustworthiness of ML-methods...
The Monte Carlo method in early particle physics: simulation or approximation? Historian of Science Arianna Borrelli will join us on Friday May 12th –...